
Chime SquareTM Animations

Molecular Graphics Resource

Eric C. Niederhoffer, Ph.D.
Copyright 2000- , E.C. Niederhoffer.
All Rights Reserved. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
Cytochrome c oxidase in the oxidized (2occ) and reduced state (1ocr) from Bos taurus (bovine)

Yoshikawa, S., K. Shinzawa-Itoh, R. Nakashima, R. Yaono, E. Yamashita, N. Inoue, M. Yao, M. J. Fei, C. P. Libeu, T. Mizushima, H. Yamaguchi, T. Tomizaki, and T. Tsukihara. 1998. Redox-coupled crystal structural changes in bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase. Science 280:1723-1729.

Cytochrome c oxidase (2occ) oxidized

Cytochrome c oxidase (1ocr) reduced

Alternate Views

  • Push the button  to observe one functional unit along with the metal and redox centers:
CuA, Na+, Mg2+, hem a, hem a3, CuB, Zn2+
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues within 3.0 Å of the CuA center:
Cys196, Cys200, Glu198, His161, His204, Met207
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues within 3.0 Å of the hem a center:
Arg38, Arg439, His61, His378, Ser382, Trp126, Tyr54
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues within 3.0 Å of the hem a3-CuB site:
Asp364, Arg438, His240, His290, His291, His376, Trp126, Tyr244, and one peroxide ligand
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues within 3.0 Å of the Zn2+ center:
Cys60, Cys62, Cys82, Cys85

Push button  for Original View

Alternate Views

  • Push the button  to observe one functional unit along with the metal and redox centers:
CuA, Na+, Mg2+, hem a, hem a3, CuB, Zn2+
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues within 3.0 Å of the CuA center:
Cys196, Cys200, Glu198, His161, His204, Met207
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues near the hem a center:
Arg38, Arg439, His61, His378, Ser382, Trp126, Tyr54
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues near the hem a3-CuB site:
Asp364, Arg438, His240, His290, His291, His376, Trp126, Tyr244
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues within 3.0 Å of the Zn2+ center:
Cys60, Cys62, Cys82, Cys85

Push button  for Original View

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