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- Push the button
- Cys139, Cys158, His141, His161, Ser163
- Push the button
- Arg81, His84, His183
- Push the button
- Arg101, Asn207, Gly117, His98, His197,
Ser107, Trp32
- Push the button
- Arg120, Cys37, Cys40, Gly159, His41,
Push button
- Push the button
- Cys139, Cys158, His141, His161, Ser163
- Push the button
- Arg80, His83, His182, Leu51
- Push the button
- Arg100, Asn206, Gly116, His97, His196,
Phe109, Trp31
- Push the button
- Cys37, Cys40, His41, Met160, Tyr126
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