
Chime SquareTM Animations

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Eric C. Niederhoffer, Ph.D.
Copyright 2000- , E.C. Niederhoffer.
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Complex between cytochrome c peroxidase and iso-1-cytochrome c (2pcc) from yeast

Pelletier, H., and J. Kraut. 1992. Crystal structure of a complex between electron transfer partners, cytochrome c peroxidase and cytochrome c. Science 258:1748-1755.

Cytochrome c peroxidase-iso-1-cytochrome c (2pcc)

Active Site Views

  • Push the button  to observe the following residues within 3.0 Å of the heme centers:
Asn52, Cys14, Cys17, His18, His175, His181, Lys79, Met80, Thr49, Thr78, Tyr48, a sulfate and four water molecules
  • Push the button  to observe a proposed electron-transfer pathway between the heme centers:
Ala193, Ala194, Gly192, Trp191
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues forming a hydrophobic interface between cytochrome c peroxidase (yellow) and iso-1-cytochrome c (green):
Ala81, Ala193, Ala194, Gly83, Leu9, Phe82, Val128, Val197
  • Push the button  to observe the following residues forming a polar interface between cytochrome c peroxidase (yellow) and iso-1-cytochrome c (green):
Arg13, Arg31, Asn38, Asn70, Asn195, Asn196, Asp34, Asp90, Cys17, Glu32, Glu35, Glu290, Gln16, Gln120, Lys5, Lys72, Lys73, Lys86, Lys87, Lys99, Thr12, Thr199, Tyr39, Tyr229

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